User Upload Form
Please follow these instructions and use the form below to securely upload the users who will have access to the Security Courses in your organization’s Motimate account.
IMPORTANT! CSV file formatting:
- The CSV file must be formatted with the following columns per user and in this order:
1. email
2. phone_number
3. first_name
4. last_name
*Please enter either the email addresses or phone numbers for all users, not both. Whichever option covers all users.
- Use the names above as row titles. It is important that first name and last name are separated in 2 columns.
- Full names in the same column are not accepted! Use commas or semi-colon as delimiters.
- Maximum file size: 10 MB.
- Be sure to use the following headings in row 1 and the three columns in this order:
-Column A: email
– Column B: first_name
– Column C: last_name
– Delete all other columns!
– Make sure there are no empty rows before the last row! - Click File and then select Save As…
- Select the following file type: CSV UTF-8 (comma separated) (.csv)
- Give an appropriate name for the file, for example: min_org.csv
- Then click Save.
- Make sure it is the CSV file you just saved, not a .XLS or .XLSX file that you are uploading later in this form!